July 2019 Newsletter
Seeds C&ELC
89-91 Gerard Street East Cannington
[email protected] T: 0413 642 466 or 94 518 411
Centre News
Linda and Margaret recently reviewed the centre menu and after surveying families and incorporating the nutritional guild lines for Child Care services we completed a revised menu of which a copy has been emailed to all families. We would like to thank all those families that provided us with feed back on their child’s likes dislikes and ideas on what they would like to see included in our menu. If for any reason we need to make an alteration to the menu on any day a notice will be published in the centre informing you all.
I have been in discussions with Lisa (Cody’s mum) in planning a community fundraising event at the centre, we have identified a very worthy cause (Act for Children) we are considering
Focus Educator – Margaret Lupton Centre Manager

Student Birthdays
This month Cody, Dylan, Gavleen, Juliana and Sidhanth will have a happy birthday. We wish a wonderful birthday to all.
Educators Birthday
There are no educator birthdays this month
Recipe of the Month

Another centre favourite. Made with herbs, Tuna chunks, mixed vegetables and spiral pasta.
Also, made without Tuna for our Vegan and allergen children
Upcoming Events
Save the Date
Friday 5th August 2019 10.30 am Fire Brigade incursion
W. A. School Term Dates
Term 1: Mon 4 Feb — Fri 12 April
Term 2: Mon 29 April — Fri 5 July
Term 3: Mon 22 July — Fri 27 Sept
Term 4: Mon 14 Oct — Thurs 19 Dec
Babies/Nursery Room News
Toddler Room News
Kindy Room News
Outside of School Hours Care – OSHC
Role play
Community News
2 weeks’ notice in writing required to end bookings
2 weeks’ notice if requiring holiday discount must be for a min
Of 2 weeks holiday to receive discount rate
no place can be held to retain your child’s booking if decide to withdraw and not pay