September 2019 Newsletter
Seeds C&ELC
89-91 Gerard Street East Cannington
[email protected] T: 0413 642 466 or 94 518 411
Upcoming Events
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Act for Kids
Morning Tea
PJ Day
27th September 2019
More information inside
Centre Closure
Queen’s Birthday
Monday 30th September 2019
Weekly incursions
Our service seeks to offer our families the very best of care with a focus on supporting children’s learning and development in all domains. In addition to employing qualified, experienced dedicated educators’ incursions are planned to support children’s interests and learning and development.
We now offer a variety of additional weekly physical activity incursions which children are enjoying immensely:
Monday Flexible Friends Yoga class 9.00 am
(Open to children 2 years and above) $8.00 per session
Tuesday Junior Goals Soccer fun 9.30 am
(Open to children 2 years and above) $8.00 per session
Wednesday Jelly Tots Movement to music class10.40 – 11.10 am (open to children 18 months and above) $8.95
Friday Happy Feet Movement to Music class 11.00 – 11.30 am
(Open to 2 years and above) $8.00 per session
All payments can be added to your childcare account and payments will be processed with your fees this way any CCS will also be applied to this cost.
Please see Margaret in the office or your child’s educator if you would like more information or to obtain a registration form.
Centre News
Our Quality Improvement Plan has been submitted to (ECRU) Education and Care Regulatory Unit. All childcare centres’ Nationally is required to partake in the Assessment and Rating Process at least once every three years.
Submitting our QIP is the first step in the process, we will receive notification in the next few weeks when to expect a two-day visit to assess our practices against the seven quality areas.
Please take a moment to read through our QIP which has been updated since being on display in the foyer for the past couple of months and provide your feedback, this is a living document and revisited regularly.
The rating system comprises of three ratings 1. Working towards, 2. Meeting, 3. Exceeding.
As mentioned in the Xplor post the centre is about to undergo a transformation with the construction of another building in the top end of the centre car park this will be used by the school-aged children and during school hours a kinder program for our 4-year-old children.
As with any building project, there will be some impact to the centre operations and management has taken steps to limit this to the best of their ability.
For example, the car parking space will be reduced, and staff will be required to use verge parking to ensure families and visitors have safe access to the centre.
During this time, we ask families to be mindful of others requiring parking space, especially during peak pick up and drop off times.
Work will commence on Monday 9th September 2019, for the beginning of next week when the colour bond fence separating the children’s outdoor play space from the car park will be taken down to allow for the removal of the chicken coop and large tree.
The children will not have access to this area until a temporary fence is installed (this will be completed by Wednesday).
Fortunately, we have the front yard for children to explore during this time and if weather permitting the schoolchildren may visit the adjacent park.
Our nonsmoking policy will be enforced for any construction worker or visitor so that children are no exposed to drifting cigarette smoke.
Centre management will work closely with the builders to limit noise levels during children’s rest period where possible.
The builders will be on site for 14 weeks, once completed Seeds Childcare and Early Learning will apply to increase their license from 40 places to 60 to meet the growing needs of our community. We thank you for your understanding and support in this matter.
There have been lots of enquiries regarding the centres’ holiday discount policy and it has come to light that some families struggle to understand what the 42 allowable absences entail.
Firstly the 42 allowable absent days explained:
Each child that has an ongoing booking will be charged a fee for that booking regardless if they attend or not this ensures your child’s childcare day is there and available for them and cannot be given away to another child unless it relates to the (Governments Priority of Access Legislation) Centrelink agrees to pay your CCS portion of your fees when your child does not attend for up to 42 absences per financial year including (10 public holidays), that means families can receive CCS for the remaining 32 days for any reason i.e. family holiday, illness etc. however once your child has exhausted the 42 days you will be liable to pay full fees unless the absence falls under certain exceptions i.e. sick and you provide a medical certificate, local emergency, separate from family due to court order or rotating shift worker; more information can be found at www.humanservices.gov.au
When enrolling your child for a permeant booking you are required to pay your childcare costs when on holiday to retain your child’s booking (this holds your child’s booking and ensure it is available on their return)
Joyce has recognized the hardship this can place on families that go on extended breaks and t assist them a 50% holiday rate was implemented for families taking two (2) or more weeks holiday, the 50% fee charged to families is 50% of your gaps fee.
Centre policy requires families to give us two weeks’ notice that your child will be on holidays, this is staff rostering purposes as we are governed by strict Child/Staff ratio legislation and helps us to ensure we are compliant with the Education and Care Services National Regulations.
If you do not wish to pay for your child’s booking when going on holidays then it is classified as a cessation of care and that you have relinquished your child’s place, in this instance, there is no guarantee that a vacancy will exist for your child upon your return.
This is common practice for Long Day Care Services nationally.
Warmest regards Margaret
Staff News:
In recent weeks we have had the pleasure of having Neha, Cassie and Pauline join the team as casual Educators. We always endeavour to maintain continuity of educators so there is predictability for our families, please make them feel welcome by introducing yourselves to them when you see them.
We welcome Na back from her well-deserved holiday to China to catch up with family and friends.
Linda has been away visiting friends and family in Jakarta she will return on Monday 16th September in the meantime our lovely Ravi has taken on kitchen duties and she is doing a mighty fine job.
Kitchen News
Our new menu has been up and running for a few weeks now and feedback from children and staff has been positive. Won’t be long before we are planning our summer menu 😊 parent input is encouraged and most welcome. Babies/Nursery Room News
In recent weeks we have talked about the importance of being Sun Smart at mat time. I have downloaded some new SunSmart songs to sing with the children. We have talked about wearing our hats outside and putting on sunscreen.
We hope all our Dad’s had a great Father’s Day and that you enjoy the children’s gifts.
Warm regards
Sara Room Educator
Toddler Room News
Our children have been busy exploring bugs and insects, we even used them to create some painting artwork.
We have enjoyed some wonderful sensory experiences including playdough play and various art and craft materials.
Lots of interest has been shown in children engaging in role-playing depictive of community workers like doctors, nurses, ambulance personnel and firefighters to name a few.
The children’s dramatic play area has been transformed into a shop with a cash register, shopping baskets and trolleys.
Warm regards
Isha and Sharon
Kindy Room News
Join us in welcoming John and Freya and their family Seeds Childcare and Early Learning Centre (Kindy Room)
We have set up a corner to display children’s pictures and will try and change them each fortnight. We would like to thank all those parents that encouraged their child to dress up for our dress-up day during book week, it was a faun day.
We had lots of fun going on an excursion to the Canning Library during Book Week we are planning on making this a more regular part of the children’s program.
At present children are showing lots of interest and enjoyment exploring the home corner, where the children engage in role-play activities.
Children are provided with a variety of resources including Doctors sets, Picnic sets, costumes and tea set etc.
Regards Wendy and Na
Outside of School Hours Care – OSHC
Our OSHC club children have participated in a variety of activities to support their sustainability awareness, using recycled materials to construct in art and crafts promoted the reduce, reuse and recycle concept.
The children were very creative in producing something new for something old and destined for landfill. They have also engaged in lots of science and sensory play activities including goop, slime and water beads exploration.
The children have lots of fun using and playing with the new resources purchased for the school children they especially like the “Pop it” game along with Monopoly and chess.
Kind regards Ramona |
Community Involvement
Please join us for a Fundraising morning tea on Friday 27th September
Children are also invited to dress in their PJ’s and give a gold coin donation on the day
monies raised will be donated to the
‘Act for Kids” Foundation
See attachment

SunSmart Tips
• Slip-on a shirt
• Slop on sunscreen
• Slap on a hat
• Seek shade
• Slide on some sunglasses
When visiting the school, families and visitors are asked to use a combination of sun protection measures. Children learn lifelong sun protection behaviours from their parent, so lead by example! The shade is a very effective form of sun protection; however, it will not totally block out all of the sun’s ultraviolet (UV) rays. The UV radiation can scatter in the atmosphere and reflect from surfaces such as water, sand and concrete. Maximum UV protection can be achieved by using the shade in conjunction with sun protective clothing, hats, sunscreen and sunglasses. A rashie or t-shirt is a great way to protect your skin from harmful UV radiation when swimming.
Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun and other sources, such as solariums, is the major cause of skin cancer. Australia has some of the highest levels of UV radiation in the world: in fact, UV radiation is strong enough to cause sunburn in as little as 10 minutes on a fine January day. Your skin remembers and records all the UV exposure you have ever received – all the sunburns, tans, solarium visits or just simple day-to-day time spent outdoors when you have not used sun protection. It all adds up and increases your long-term risk of skin cancer. It’s estimated that if we reduce our lifetime exposure to UV radiation by just 20%, Australia would have about one third fewer cases of skin cancer.
Remember you can still get sunburnt on a cool or cloudy day, so Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! Slide!
There is no such thing as a safe tan. Tanning is a sign of skin damage. Don’t cook for looks, remember to Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! Slide!
It does not have to be hot for sunburn to occur – UV radiation is not the same as heat. Most people get burnt when the temperature is between 18 and 27 degrees, Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! Slide!
Overexposure to UV radiation leads to sunburn, wrinkling, premature ageing, eye damage and skin cancer. So, Slip! Slop! Slap! Seek! Slide!
The same harmful rays that damage skin can also cause both short- and long-term damage to children’s eyes, so be SunSmart and protect eyes with close-fitting wraparound sunglasses.
Found early, over 90% of skin cancers can be treated successfully. Check your skin regularly and if you notice any unusual changes see your doctor.
Some clothing is marked with an Ultraviolet Protection Factor (UPF). The higher the UPF, the more protection the fabric will provide. Look for clothing with a UPF Factor of 40-50+.
Remember that UV can penetrate water up to 50cm, so don’t be fooled by thinking you are protected in the water, remember to apply sunscreen 20 minutes before going for a swim.